Morlands’ Slippers

You know that film 13 going on 30? Well I’m 23 going on 80. I love nothing more than having chilled nights in with a good movie and my pyjamas; so when Morlands’ Glastonbury kindly offered to send me a pair of slippers I couldn’t resist.


Morlands Glastonbury are a luxury footwear brand specialising in slippers and boots and offer such a wide range so there really is something for everyone. They take so much care with each product they produce and they carry on that care when dealing with customers; I guess thats why they have been around for over 150 years now.



I chose the Merino slipper in a rose colour and honestly, they are the most comfortable things ever. I get so excited to come home from work and put them on and get all cosy (told you I’m like an old lady). They are so soft and fluffy and have a little gradual heel which I actually really like as you can hardly notice. I’ve gone through so many pairs of slippers but I know these are going to last me a very long time and they are going to keep their quality.

-Hannah X


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